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No.Team NameCantonCountryPaid
1IMSC - BLR UnitedBLR UnitedLiechtenstein
2IMSC - 1461 Trabzon1461 TrabzonZürichSwitzerland
3IMSC - AlcatrazAlcatrazNidwaldenSwitzerland
4IMSC - Guli MuliGuli MuliZürichSwitzerland
5IMSC - Bad BoysBad BoysZürichSwitzerland
6IMSC - FC MeiwandFC MeiwandZürichSwitzerland
7IMSC - FC MeihanFC MeihanWaadtSwitzerland
8IMSC - Team BrunhartTeam BrunhartZürichSwitzerland
9IMSC - Das weisse BalletDas weisse BalletZugSwitzerland
10IMSC - KF BashkimiKF BashkimiSchwyzSwitzerland
11IMSC - IDOSHIDOSHZürichSwitzerland
12IMSC - fc het öpisfc het öpisZürichSwitzerland
13IMSC - FC BazenheidFC BazenheidSt.GallenSwitzerland
14IMSC - Team UnitedTeam UnitedSt.GallenSwitzerland
15IMSC - Tobler HaustechnikTobler HaustechnikAargauSwitzerland
16IMSC - Bocca JuniorsBocca JuniorsZürichSwitzerland
17IMSC - AmateureAmateureZugSwitzerland
18IMSC - 1.FC Deportivo1.FC DeportivoZürichSwitzerland
19IMSC - FC CambrianFC CambrianBasel-LandSwitzerland
20IMSC - Gits Eine???Gits Eine???ZürichSwitzerland
21IMSC - LALAAargauSwitzerland
22IMSC - équipe gjocajéquipe gjocajSchwyzSwitzerland
23IMSC - Team LuwiTeam LuwiZürichSwitzerland
24IMSC - Face Club kickers Face Club kickersZürichSwitzerland
25IMSC - WhitestarsWhitestarsZürichSwitzerland
26IMSC - ElasticoElasticoLuzernSwitzerland
27IMSC - FC TulpeFC TulpeSt.GallenSwitzerland
28IMSC - CatalunyaCatalunyaZürichSwitzerland
29IMSC - FC GringosFC GringosZürichSwitzerland
30IMSC - Newcastle ZürichNewcastle ZürichZürichSwitzerland
31IMSC - Munich F.CMunich F.CAargauSwitzerland
33IMSC - Roj WinterthurRoj WinterthurZürichSwitzerland
34IMSC - Mil e uma NoiteMil e uma NoiteZürichSwitzerland
35IMSC - TS61TS61SchwyzSwitzerland
36IMSC - LionsLionsAargauSwitzerland
37IMSC - Diego and friendsDiego and friendsAargauSwitzerland